Prepare Your Finances for Graduate School
Purpose: Scholars will gain financial literacy to save for future graduate school expenses.

Learning Financial Literacy for Free
UCF has a few resources to learn about your finances, and how to save for your goals, for free. GradReady from the Centsible Knights program is one opportunity to learn about finances online. Learn to build your budget with the simple tools inside the Grad Ready modules. Try it now!

Podcast: Preparing Your Finances for Graduate School
This podcast is the second in the series. Listen to learn the importance of preparing your finances for applying to graduate school.

Instructions for navigation
Prepare for graduate school now by marking this topic complete: click the “Mark Complete” button below in the bottom left hand corner to keep track of the topics you’ve completed. Then, click the “Next Topic” button below in the bottom right hand corner to move onto the next topic within the lesson.