Plan to Visit Campuses
Purpose: Scholars will learn what graduate school visitations are and how they can arrange them.

What is a graduate school visitation?
Whether you schedule one on your own or you are visiting an official open house visiting graduate schools of interest is extremely important. They allow you to see and learn things you can not gauge from a website or by speaking to a graduate school recruiter. Some things you have to see to believe.
Universal features of a graduate school visitation include:
- A mixer for prospective applicants to chat with current graduate students and faculty members.
- Time for private meetings with potential faculty mentors.
- Tour of the campus, labs and other facilities.
- Panels facilitated by current graduate students on various topics regarding funding and general departmental culture.

Grad Prep Talk
Navigating Meetings with Grad School Faculty
Debraliz Isaac-Aragones, a current grad student, describes what it was like to meet with prospective graduate school program faculty.
Transcription to come.

Important Resources:
Available Campus Visitations

Suggested Assignment
Assignment #36
Draft an Email to Graduate Faculty for Campus Visit
Purpose: Scholars will craft a written request for an in-person meeting with faculty members, graduate program administrators or current graduate students. For assistance schedule a visit with AAP Peer Advisors.
Instructions: 5f_activity_seven
Instructions for navigation
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If you are following the application elements curriculum, follow the Quick Learn icon to the right to the next topic in Campus Visits.
For review on Campus Visits, visit Attend Graduate School Fairs.