McNair Application for Prospective Scholars McNair Scholars Program ApplicationThe McNair Scholars Program is a Federal TRiO program designed to prepare students from low-income, first-generation and traditionally underrepresented groups for doctoral studies. McNair Scholars participate in courses, seminars and workshops on topics related to graduate school preparation, complete a paid research experience under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and have the opportunity to present their research at local, regional or national conferences. Please familiarize yourself with the various components of the application and give yourself plenty of time to compile them. The application has NO SAVE BUTTON. Please make sure you have all the application materials ready once you begin. Make sure to click submit when you are completely finished with the application. The Application is Comprised of the Following: A. Eligibility Requirements B. Biographical Information C. Contact Information D. Academic Information E. Future Plans F. Demographic Information G. Family Information H. Financial Information I. Supplementary Material J. Recommendation Letters K. Additional Information L. Application Submission Agreement M. AAP Release FormPart A: Eligibility RequirementsPlease ensure you meet all of the following criteria before applying. Academics I am currently enrolled as a full-time student in an undergraduate degree program at UCF. I have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 I have a minimum of 60 credit hours Biography I am a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident. I am a low income* AND first-generation college student (neither parent or legal guardian completed a bachelor’s degree) OR I am a member of a group underrepresented in graduate education (Black/African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic/Latino). I intend to pursue a Ph.D. or Ed.D (professional degrees such as MD, MD/PhD, JD, MBA, PharmD, etc. are not eligible). I intend to enroll in graduate school immediately after graduating UCF. Commitment I am able to participate full-time in a summer research experience at UCF or an external institution in the summer prior to graduation. Note I understand that this form CANNOT be saved. I will lose the information I type into this form if there my computer malfunctions or I exit out of the form. It is my responsibility to complete any essays in a separate document and transfer them into this form once I am ready to submit. Part B: Biographical InformationApplicant's Name:* First Middle Last UCF ID:* (PID without the letter)Part C: Contact InformationPhone:Applicant's Email:* Enter Email Confirm Email Please provide your official knights email address (ie. Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Part D: Academic InformationOverall GPA: (Includes UCF GPA and GPA from any previous institution(s).)Overall number of credit hours earned: Expected UCF Graduation Date: Are you a full time student?*YesNo(minimum of 12 credit hrs per semester)School/College:College of Arts and HumanitiesCollege of BusinessCollege of Community Innovation and EducationCollege of Engineering and Computer ScienceCollege of Health Professions and SciencesCollege of MedicineCollege of NursingCollege of Optics and PhotonicsCollege of SciencesCollege of Undergraduate StudiesRosen College of Hospitality ManagementExpected Major:N/AAccountingAdvertising - Public RelationsAerospace EngineeringAnthropologyArchitectureArt - Emerging Media TrackArt - History TrackArt - Studio Art TrackArt - Studio TrackArt - Visual Arts and Emerging Media Management TrackArt EducationAthletic TrainingBiologyBiomedical SciencesBiotechnologyChemistryCivil EngineeringCommunication and ConflictCommunication Sciences and DisordersComputer EngineeringComputer ScienceConstruction EngineeringCriminal JusticeDigital MediaEarly Childhood Development and EducationEconomicsEducationElectrical EngineeringElementary EducationEnglish - Creative Writing TrackEnglish Language EducationEnglish - Literature TrackEnglish - Technical Communication TrackEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesEvent ManagementFilmFinanceForensic ScienceFrenchHealth Informatics and Information ManagementHealth Sciences - Pre-Clinical TrackHealth Services AdministrationHistoryHospitality ManagementHuman CommunicationHumanities and Cultural StudiesIndustrial EngineeringInformation TechnologyIntegrated BusinessInterdisciplinary StudiesInternational and Global StudiesJournalismLatin American StudiesLegal StudiesManagementMarketingMathematicsMathematics EducationMechanical EngineeringMedical Laboratory SciencesMusicMusic EducationNon-Degree SeekingNonprofit ManagementNursingPhilosophyPhotographyPhotonic Science and EngineeringPhysicsPolitical SciencePost-BaccalaureatePsychologyPublic AdministrationRadio - TelevisionReal EstateReligion and Cultural StudiesRestaurant and Foodservice ManagementScience EducationSocial Science EducationSocial SciencesSocial WorkSociologySpanishSport and Exercise ScienceStatisticsTechnical Education and Industry TrainingTheatreTheatre StudiesUndecidedWorld LanguagesWorld Languages EducationWriting and RhetoricOther Additional Major:N/AAccountingAdvertising - Public RelationsAerospace EngineeringAnthropologyArchitectureArt - Emerging Media TrackArt - History TrackArt - Studio Art TrackArt - Studio TrackArt - Visual Arts and Emerging Media Management TrackArt EducationAthletic TrainingBiologyBiomedical SciencesBiotechnologyChemistryCivil EngineeringCommunication and ConflictCommunication Sciences and DisordersComputer EngineeringComputer ScienceConstruction EngineeringCriminal JusticeDigital MediaEarly Childhood Development and EducationEconomicsEducationElectrical EngineeringElementary EducationEnglish - Creative Writing TrackEnglish Language EducationEnglish - Literature TrackEnglish - Technical Communication TrackEnvironmental EngineeringEnvironmental StudiesEvent ManagementFilmFinanceForensic ScienceFrenchHealth Informatics and Information ManagementHealth Sciences - Pre-Clinical TrackHealth Services AdministrationHistoryHospitality ManagementHuman CommunicationHumanities and Cultural StudiesIndustrial EngineeringInformation TechnologyIntegrated BusinessInterdisciplinary StudiesInternational and Global StudiesJournalismLatin American StudiesLegal StudiesManagementMarketingMathematicsMathematics EducationMechanical EngineeringMedical Laboratory SciencesMusicMusic EducationNon-Degree SeekingNonprofit ManagementNursingPhilosophyPhotographyPhotonic Science and EngineeringPhysicsPolitical SciencePost-BaccalaureatePsychologyPublic AdministrationRadio - TelevisionReal EstateReligion and Cultural StudiesRestaurant and Foodservice ManagementScience EducationSocial Science EducationSocial SciencesSocial WorkSociologySpanishSport and Exercise ScienceStatisticsTechnical Education and Industry TrainingTheatreTheatre StudiesUndecidedWorld LanguagesWorld Languages EducationWriting and RhetoricMinor(s):Did you transfer to UCF?* No Yes If so, from which institution? If so, when? Indicate program participation, if any: Select All Burnett Honors College CAMP-YES EXCEL/COMPASS LEARN MASS SOAR Student Support Services Student Undergraduate Research Council (SURC) Summer Research Academy (SRA) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Upward Bound Other If other, please specifiy: Part E: Future PlansThe highest graduate degree you plan to pursue is:Master's (M.A.; M.S.)Doctorate (Ph.D.; Ed.D.)OtherIf other, specify: Top three choices for graduate school:Indicate the type of program: Which of the following best describes your commitment to attending graduate school? I am thinking about attending graduate school and would like to explore options. I am attending graduate school after working one or two years. I have made a firm commitment to attend graduate school immediately after receiving my bachelor's degree. I have made a firm commitment to receive a master's degree, but I am unsure about a doctoral degree. I definitely plan to receive my doctoral degree after graduating with a bachelor's degree. Part F: Demographic InformationDate of Birth GenderfemalemaleNon-binaryTransgenderOtherPrefer not to answerIf other, specify: Preferred PronounsHe/Him/HisShe/Her/HersThey/Them/TheirsOtherPrefer not to answerIf other, specify: Ethnic Background (Check all that apply) African American/Black Alaskan Native Asian American Hispanic/Latinx White/Caucasian Native American Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other If you selected other, please specify below: Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yes No Are you a permanent resident? Yes No Part G: Family InformationName of Mother/Guardian Their Highest Level of Schooling Completed:Middle School or BelowGEDHigh School DiplomaAssociate's DegreeBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreeDoctoral DegreeM.D., J.D. or D.M.D.Name of Father/Guardian Their Highest Level of Schooling Completed:Middle School or BelowGEDHigh School DiplomaAssociate's DegreeBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreeDoctoral DegreeM.D., J.D., D.M.D.Part H: Financial InformationCurrent Financial Aid Pell Grant Perkins Loan Stafford Loan Federal Work Study Florida Work Experience Program (FWEP) Scholarship Other If other, specify: Did someone claim you as a dependent for tax purposes for the 2019 calendar year?YesNoName of that person: That person's relationship to you: Are you employed?YesNoAverage hours per week: Primary reason for working:Part I: Supplementary MaterialThere is no 'save' option for this form. If your computer malfunctions or you exit out of this form, your work will be lost. Please, complete these essays in a, separate saved, worked document.Personal statement:In a statement of approximately 500-1,000 words, please describe your academic and career goals. Please explain why you are interested in obtaining a doctorate, the area you are interested in studying, and why you think that participating in the McNair Program can help you reach those goals. Candidates are urged to ensure that this statement is well written and free of grammatical and spelling errors.Statement of research experiences and interests:Your statement should explain in as much detail as possible the academic discipline and area of your research interests, possible research project(s), how this research can contribute to academia, and why this research appeals to you. Please include prior research experiences in a university setting, briefly describe what you accomplished. Your statement of research interest should be approximately between 250 and 350 words.Research Faculty Mentor:Please note that previous research experience is not required for admittance. Email of Research Faculty Mentor: Enter Email Confirm Email Is there a professor at UCF in your proposed field of study who would agree to become your faculty mentor for the McNair Program?YesNot yetIf yes, please state the professor's name and department? Have you participated in a summer research experience?*Please note that this is not a prerequisite. Yes No Name of Summer Research Experience: Please upload your resume or C.V.Max. file size: 16 MB.Online Professional Profile (i.e. LinkedIn, SelectedWorks, ResearchGate etc.) (Note: this is optional.)Part J: Recommendation LettersYou will be asked to provide contact information for two faculty members that can serve as your recommenders. We will provide you with instructions on how to request your letters of recommendation from your letter writers after you submit your application. ***PLEASE NOTE: We will not be requesting your letters for you and we are only collecting this information for our records. You will need to reach out to your recommenders and share with them the **INSTRUCTIONS WE PROVIDE**. We will only consider letters that we receive from the emails that you provide in this section.Waiver of Viewing RightsAgreeing to this waiver is not required for admission to the McNair Program. All rights of access to this letter of recommendation conferred by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-380) as amended may be hereby voluntarily waived.* Yes, I WAIVE my right to view this recommendation. No, I DO NOT waive my right to view recommendation. Applicant's Name Printed: First Last Graduate Discipline of Interest Applicant's Electronic Signature:*Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Recommendation IName of Recommender I:* First Last Title/Position:* Department: PhoneEmail of Recommender I:* Enter Email Confirm Email Recommendation IIName of Recommender II:* First Last Title/Position:* Department: PhoneEmail of Recommender II:* Enter Email Confirm Email Part K: Additional InformationHave you participated in any of the following TRIO programs? Educational Opportunity Center Student Support Services Talent Search Upward Bound Math/Science Upward Bound (Note: For more information about TRIO programs please visit: Will you be available for a paid 8-10 week summer research opportunity program at an external institution?YesNo(Note: that during the summer research opportunity program you cannot take classes, work or take on additional responsibilities outside of the program.)How did you become aware of the McNair Scholars Program?What is the most important question you have about attending graduate school?Part L: Application Submission AgreementBy signing and submitting this form... I understand that the information I have provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge; and I understand and agree that this application will not be valid if information is withheld or misinformation given, and that admission into any AAP Program through an invalid application may be cancelled or denied. I understand all credentials and documents submitted with this application become the property of AAP and will not be returned to me. I understand that I will be asked to provide documentation to verify some or all of the statements I have enclosed in this application. In particular, I will provide my resume or curriculum vitae and appropriate supplemental materials in order to complete the application process. I authorize AAP to obtain academic, financial aid and other information pertinent to my prospective participation in the Ronald E. McNair Baccalaureate Program. I acknowledge that only students whose applications are complete will be considered for participation in the McNair Scholars Program at UCF. A personal interview with the McNair Scholars Program is part of the application process. I affirm that I have reviewed the eligibility criteria for the program and I believe I qualify based on those criteria. Applicant's Electronic Signature:*Date: Part M: AAP Release FormThis release form enables Academic Advancement Programs (AAP) at the University of Central Florida to obtain copies of all my academic and financial aid records, including transcripts, grade reports, financial aid eligibility, and other information pertaining to my possible enrollment in the McNair Program. This information may be shared with other university personnel in accordance with federal regulations and university policy. I understand that a copy of my application form will be kept on file at the AAP office and that the resulting information received from counselors, admission and financial aid officers, instructors, etc. will be kept confidential in compliance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act. If I am accepted into the program, I grant permission for AAP to use photographs or likenesses of myself in various publications. I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that all information submitted is complete and accurate. I understand that failure to disclose information or falsification of information are grounds for not being accepted to the UCF McNair Program, or, if accepted into the program, grounds for immediate termination.Applicant's Electronic Signature:*Date MM slash DD slash YYYY CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.