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Whether planning for graduate school or a career, High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are experiences offering you a competitive edge, by helping you blend what you’re learning in the classroom with real-world experiences. Set yourself up for success by getting involved in a wide variety of opportunities such as undergraduate research, studying abroad, internships, learning communities, graduate school preparations and more.

Contact us today!

Email with questions or to schedule an appointment with a HIP team member.

Start with a plan

HIP hub connects you with advisors and mentors that will help you determine the high-impact experiences that will help you gain the skills you need. 

Connect to the right experiences

Participating in high-impact practices helps you acquire the skills employers and graduate schools demand in the real-world.

Reflect on your experiences

It’s not only important to do, but to think about your experiences and articulate their value.

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Completing an internship or co-op increases your chances of receiving a job offer prior to graduation by 33%

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Nearly 50% of undergraduate researchers pursue post-baccalaureate degrees

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Nearly all students participating in a study abroad program found jobs within 12 months of graduation