Knight Vision Implementation
December 7, 2021
Knight Vision is Coming!
President Cartwright recently set a goal for UCF to become the world’s leading public metropolitan research university. Since I came to UCF, I have seen the quality of the amazing research and teaching here, and how much UCF impacts the Orlando community and the Central Florida region. I know we can achieve President Cartwright’s goal – but it will require the right tools.
By this time next year, we will have transformed the way we do our administrative business. On July 1, 2022, Knight Vision, our new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that is anchored by the cloud-based Workday application, will begin operating. This modern platform is the tool we need to streamline financial and HR operations, planning and budgeting, and reporting and analytics. This system is one tool that will help us achieve our goal.
Our great university is known for innovation and entrepreneurship. However, our budgeting is too often siloed at the college and department level, creating a challenge when it comes to obtaining accurate information about our bottom line. These challenges don’t allow us to support our faculty and research and hold us back from reaching our full potential. Knight Vision will bring clarity and transparency to ensure our spending decisions match the university’s strategic priorities and support innovation.
With the new Workday ERP and the advanced business processes and other improvements inside Knight Vision, UCF will be able to serve the growing demands of our research and teaching enterprise for decades to come. We anticipate many routine, paper-based functions that we now perform manually will be automated, reducing costs and improving efficiency, thus saving staff time for more important tasks. As I have told my team more than once, Knight Vision will move us from the Flintstones to the Jetsons.
The implementation of Knight Vision has been carefully planned, from an initial phase of collecting data and information to a second phase of evaluating options to use Workday in the best way.
While Knight Vision may seem a long way off, this change will be upon us soon – and it will touch everyone on campus in some way. I encourage you to learn more by visiting Knight Vision and by joining the many faculty and staff members who already have gotten involved. We want your voices to be heard.
Over the coming months, you will be hearing more from other project leaders and me. I hope I will also hear from you – your questions, suggestions and concerns. Knight Vision is a project that will redefine how UCF does business for the next 20 to 30 years. And if we embrace it, we will be successful.
Go Knights, Charge On!