Be in the Moment
We’re fast approaching the end of the Fall Semester. In the next week, you’ll complete projects and take final exams. Some of you will graduate on December 17.
I have been where you are now. The advice that I would give to my undergraduate self is to be in the moment. You can’t change the past and worry about the future. You CAN create a final exam study plan, develop a schedule to complete projects, take advantage of Study Union, and make time to rest. The next few weeks will be stressful, but you’ll get through it.
I am proud to be your dean and look forward to celebrating your success!
Go Knights! Charge on!

Theodorea Regina Berry, Ed.D.
Vice Provost, Division of Student Learning and Academic Success
Dean, College of Undergraduate Studies

Supporting You on Your Road to Graduation
By Wayne Bowen, Ph.D., Interim Associate Dean, College of Undergraduate Studies, and Director, Interdisciplinary Studies On November 5, graduates from the Class of 2020 returned to experience the milestone of an in-person commencement. For some, this graduation ceremony was delayed by more than a year.

I was fortunate to participate in this event, standing in for Dean Theodorea Regina Berry. Congratulating the graduates from the College of Undergraduate Studies, as they walked across the Addition Financial Arena stage, I saw the looks of triumph, relief, joy, even surprise –reflecting the journey each had taken to earn their degree.
Although each student had support from friends, family, professors, advisors, and others, on that day, they crossed the stage alone. It reminded me of the times I have run races ranging from a 5K to a half marathon; it is always mine to run. Those gathered along the road are important to me. They encouraged me to keep going, handed me cups of Gatorade, and let me know when I passed key points: one mile, five miles, and ten miles. When I crossed the finish line, they cheered for me and gave me a medal for my accomplishment. I never felt that I was truly alone.
I want to stress that the UCF community is standing along your road, ready to assist. It can be a friend to hear your troubles, an advisor to help you make choices about courses and career options, the Writing Center to assist you to compose an important essay, or the UCF Student Care Services to provide guidance for challenging situations beyond the classroom.
On that wonderful day when you cross the graduation stage, you may be by yourself when you greet Dean Berry, but the applause and cheers that will echo through the area will remind you of those who stood by you all through your race.
Go Knights! Charge On!

New Study Away Learning Opportunity in St. Augustine
The College of Undergraduate Studies is offering a new course – Reviving the Past: Researching Lost Communities (IDS 4912-OW61) – in the Spring 2022 semester. A study away trip to Lincolnville, the African American historic district in St. Augustine, Florida, is part of the class.
The trip takes place from March 6-12. The cost is $200, which covers lodging, transportation, meals, and scheduled academic activities.
To learn about the study away learning experience, review the course flyer or email Dr. Leah Gaines,

Diversity Celebration Series
By Sharon Woodill, Ph.D., Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies The Diversity Celebration Series kicked off with an open panel discussion on religious diversity. The panelists included Ashley Odendhal, Melissa Gillis, and Maddie Judy. The second installment of this series focused on diversity, age, and abilities. Jonathan Trufant and Danielle Eadens, Ph.D., and Jordyn Collis served as panelists.
The discussions were engaging and insightful. The audiences for both events were in-person and online. We are thankful to our panelists and all participants.
The series will resume in the Spring 2022 semester with a conversation about race, ethnicities, and diversity on February 15 at 6 p.m.
Please email Sharon Woodill, Ph.D., for more information.

Academically Speaking: Academic Support for Veterans
In the November episode of Academically Speaking, UCF Vice Provost and Dean Theodorea Regina Berry, Interim Associate Dean Wayne Bowen, and Academic Advisor James Smith discuss the support and resources that will enable veterans to earn their bachelor’s degrees.
Bowen and Smith bring a unique perspective to the conversation. Bowen is a retired Army Reserve Colonel. In 1998, he served in Bosnia as part of the NATO Stabilization Force and in the Iraq War in 2004. His leadership roles have included company commander, serving twice as a battalion commander, and a Civil Affairs Team Chief. Smith served in the Navy for 23 years and retired as a Chief Navy Counselor. He is a Gulf War veteran who served in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Enduring Freedom.
UCF News

UCF’s Historical Graduation Ceremony is Also Personal
Published in UCFToday Sharon Park ’19 ’20MS is one of 1,700 UCF graduates expected to return to campus for the in-person milestone they missed in 2020. Her reason for coming home illustrates precisely why it matters. Read more.

Undergraduate Research Conference Due Dec. 10
The 2022 Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC) will take place at UCF’s main campus on Feb. 18-19. In its 12th year, the conference provides students with the experience of presenting and networking in a professional environment.
Students can apply to present their research and creative scholarship at FURC by submitting a 250-word abstract by Dec. 10.
It is the first time since the start of the pandemic that undergraduate researchers across the state will convene in person.
“We are excited to host FURC,” says Kimberly Schneider, assistant vice provost of Student Learning and Academic Success and chair of the FURC planning committee. “Learning to present and network in a virtual environment has been important, and many of those skills are transferable for our student researchers. It’s also essential to grow and develop these skills for in-person settings as we transition back.”
Visit the FURC website to register for the event.

UCF Earns National Certification as a Top Institution for Latino Students
ORGINALLY PUBLISHED IN UCFTODAY UCF is one of 10 institutions in the nation this year to join trendsetting group that intentionally serves Latino students. Read more. Para la versión en Español, oprima aquí.