Creating Easy Videos to Improve Your Student Communications
Presenter : Sandra Brasch (UTC)
Sand Key 220
Track: Communication and Marketing
Limited staff resources often necessitate creating student communications that can be accessed or repeated at any time. Video is a great solution but can be a challenge for many higher-ed professionals. In this learning session, Sandra Brasch from the University Testing Center will share easy ways to create videos at the unit-level. This will include a discussion of video elements, simple demonstrations, and tips for animated text. Attendees will receive a PDF with resources and links for helpful tutorials.
Academic Advancement Programs seeks opportunities to prepare students for graduate school as early as possible and utilizes meaningful partnerships to create successful pathways/pipelines for students. In this session, learn about the valuable and impactful partnerships between Academic Advancement Programs and Office of Undergraduate Research directly from students and their success stories.
Onward Knights: BIGS – Bachelors in Integrative General Studies Degree Path
The Bachelors of Integrative General Studies (BIGS) program in the College of Undergraduate Studies has experienced explosive growth since it launched in Fall 2019, with an 18% overall increase in enrollment from `19/20 to `20/21, and by Spring ’21 had graduated over 600 students with an expected additional 400 graduates by the end of Spring ’22. Presenters will discuss the unique degree path, share student successes, and discuss the dramatic growth of the degree. After the 20 minute presentation, presenters will answer questions from attendees regarding the BIGS pathway and best practices in helping our Knights move onward to their future with a BGS degree in hand.
Boosting Employee Morale Through Community Building and Collaboration
Being a part of the HIP Hub not only provides students with a unique gateway to various impactful opportunities for their personal and professional growth, but it also enables our departments to enhance our collaboration efforts. HIP Hub has started a community building committee in efforts to encourage intra-office partnerships and better understand the networks we build between students. In this session we plan to highlight the best practices and tangible strategies to develop a deeper sense of community, increase workplace collaboration, and boost employee morale.