Leveraging Handshake as a tool for students to network with employers and obtain opportunities
Presenter : Madhvi Acharya (EL), Chinyen Chuo (EL)
Sand Key 220
Track: Communication and Marketing
Experiential Learning (EL) and Career Services (CS) has invested in a robust, interactive platform, Handshake, that effectively connects employers with both our students and alumni for networking, internships and career-related opportunities. In this session, we will illustrate the inner workings of the platform and showcase how this one-stop-shop gives students easy access to connect with industry professionals and obtain major-related experiences.
Aiming for the Trifecta: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in IDS, 2017-2021
Presenter : Wayne Bowen (IDS)
Egmont Key 224
Track: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
How can academic programs promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through the areas of policies, personnel, and programs? This presentation will examine the ways in which the faculty and staff of Interdisciplinary Studies contributed to progress in these areas over a four-year period, engaged in university-wide discussions, and provided more opportunities for staff, faculty, and students. From active participation in HSI initiatives, to being the first UCF college to require DEI evidence for faculty promotion, to developing a comprehensive curriculum in Diversity Studies, IDS achieved successes in support of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. At the same time, IDS experienced challenges and even failures in these areas, with lessons learned for future efforts.
Best Practices in IE and Planning for the Annual Report
Presenter : Stephen O’Connell (KMETC), Deveon Bazata (IDS), Harrison Oonge (CUGS), Kim Schneider (SLAS), Uday Nair (OEAS)
Cedar Key 223
Track: Research and Assessment
Annual reporting and Institutional Effectiveness (IE) provide space for units to identify, interrogate, and reflect on data related to various academic programming activities and support services they offer to students. These two standard practices offer opportunity for continuous improvement. In this presentation, panelists will field questions, discuss effective IE Outcomes and Measures, what should be included in an annual report, and how they have established a sustained a culture of effective data collection within their units.
Managing Environmental Stress
Presenter : Quynh Dang (EL), Lisa McDonough (EL)
Garden Key 221
Track: Best Practices
How employees can manage Environmental Stress, starting from the daily commute to applying all the ideas learned in the session.