
Current Available Positions

SARC is looking for diverse, enthusiastic, dedicated, and hardworking students who enjoy helping fellow UCF students succeed academically and who can contribute to our programs and services with their unique skills and abilities.

  • The Student Academic Resource Center (SARC) is looking to hire two Graduate Assistants. There are two positions open, one supporting SARC’s Peer Tutoring program and one supporting SARC’s ACE & Outreach program.

Peer Tutor GA Role: This position is a 20-hour per week role reporting to the SARC Tutoring Coordinator. The GA will assist the coordinator in the management of the tutoring program and other SARC services. This position comes with a full tuition waiver. Please see the position description for more information on duties and responsibilities.  

ACE & Outreach GA Role: The ACE & Outreach Graduate Assistant (GA) is a 20-hour per week position reporting to the ACE & Outreach Programs Coordinator at SARC. The GA will assist the Coordinator in the day-to-day operations of Academic Coaching and Outreach services at SARC. This position comes with a full tuition waiver. Please see the position description for more information on duties and responsibilities.  


The deadline for the position listed above is Sunday, March 23rd at 11:59 p.m.

To apply, please complete the following steps:   

  1. Complete the applicationThere is only one application for both positions. 
  2. Include 3 valid references within the Employee Application including their contact information. 
  3. Attach an updated, professional resume including a cover letter as one document. Making sure the cover letter addresses the following questions:
    1. What experiences do you have that relate to this position?
    2. Describe your philosophy in working with college students in the area of academic success.
    3. Describe any experience you have working in academic settings.
    4. What do you expect to gain through employment with SARC in this position?
  4. Answer all questions completely and accurately within the employment application and submit by the deadline. 

Please see the job descriptions posted at the top right of this page for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the Peer Tutor Coordinator, Katie Adams at Katie.Adams@ucf.edu, and/or the ACE & Outreach Coordinator, Jessica Johnson at Jessica.Johnson@ucf.edu

The Student Academic Resource Center (SARC) is hiring Peer Tutors for Summer 2025.

Full Job Description: Click Here

Priority Application Deadline: Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

What is Peer Tutoring at SARC?

Peer tutoring is an academic support program utilizing peer-assisted study sessions to help students with historically difficult courses. Peer tutoring is free for undergraduate UCF students enrolled in STEM, Spanish, or business courses. During peer tutoring sessions, students work together with other classmates to compare notes, discuss readings, ask questions, develop organizational tools, engage with the material, and prepare for examinations. SARC tutorial services are internationally certified through the College Reading and Learning Association. SARC provides tutoring at TCH 117 and CECS. 

Peer Tutor Responsibilities:

  • Lead a minimum of 7 hours of tutorial time per week for a specific course including 4 hours of group tutoring and 2 hours of one-on-one tutoring.
  • Attend and participate in all trainings and meetings.
  • Complete CRLA Portfolio and provide supplements to any previous submissions based on the department’s certification level.
  • Prepare materials for sessions and reviews
  • Communicate with course instructors.
  • Implement feedback from program leadership
  • Other duties as assigned.

Please note that during Summer 2025, all peer tutors are expected to host tutoring sessions in person. Each tutor will also host a minimum of one online or hybrid session per week. Please contact the Tutor Coordinator at katie.adams@ucf.edu if you have questions.

For more information about the benefits and requirements of the position, please download the full job description under “Position Descriptions.

Criteria Needed to Apply

  • An “A” grade in the course you intend to tutor.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2+
  • Willing to commit at least seven(7) hours per week
  • Able to attend the PAID mandatory, in-person pre-semester training session on Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th, as well as required training meetings throughout the semester.
  • A good recommendation from a UCF faculty member, preferably the instructor who taught the course of interest. The SARC Faculty Reference Form is available here.
  • Must have a reliable internet connection.
  • Must be able to commit at least a full semester, with preference given to those who are available for at least 1 year.

How to Apply:

Please complete the Online Application for Summer 2025. The application has several sections that you will need to prepare before submitting your application.

  • Prepare a resume and cover letter. Save them as one file and attach them to your application when prompted. Applications submitted without cover letters and/or resumes will not be considered.
  • Provide 3 professional references. At least one of these should be a UCF faculty member, preferably the professor with whom you took the class you intend to tutor. This professor must complete the SARC Faculty Reference FormPlease note that this is NOT a letter of recommendation—it is much shorter. The other two references do NOT need to complete this form.

 If you are offered an interview, a SARC staff member will contact you via email.

**Please note that if you are also interested in the SI Leader position, you only need to complete 1 application. 

The Student Academic Resource Center (SARC) is looking to hire Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders for Summer 2025.

  • Application Deadline: Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

What is Supplemental Instruction?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program utilizing peer-assisted study sessions to assist students with historically difficult courses. SI sessions are an opportunity for students to work together with other classmates to compare notes, discuss readings, ask questions, develop organizational tools, and prepare for examinations.

SI Leader Responsibilities

  • Conduct 4 50-minute SI sessions per week using the SI model
  • Attend and take notes in the SI-supported class
  • Attend and contribute to all trainings and meetings
  • Maintain attendance records and prepare for SI sessions
  • Implement suggestions from SI supervisors
  • Other duties as assigned

Please note that during Summer 2025, all SI Leaders are expected to attend meetings, attend class, and host at least one SI session in-person. Each SI Leader will also host a minimum of one weekly online session from home. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the SI Coordinator at Erika.Staiger@ucf.edu

For more information about Supplemental Instruction, please view the complete position description.

Criteria Needed to Apply

  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2+ and an “A” grade in the course for which you wish to be an SI Leader
  • Able to attend the mandatory in-person training session at the beginning of the semester (Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th) and weekly meetings
  • Willing to commit 10+ hours per week for 15 weeks per semester (6-12 weeks for Summer term)
  • Must be able to attend the full course lecture for at least one section of the course for which you are applying. SI Leaders supporting classes without live lectures will be required to view any lecture recordings or course modules offered in place of lectures
  • Must have a reliable internet connection
  • Preference will be given to those who are available for at least 1 year and those who are willing to limit their schedule to 12-15 credit hours per semester (although these are not mandatory)

How to Apply:

Please complete our online application. The application has several components that you will need to prepare before submitting your application.

  • Prepare a resume and cover letter. Save them as one file and attach them to your application when prompted. Applications submitted without cover letters and/or resumes will not be considered.
  • Provide 3 professional references. At least one should be a UCF faculty member, ideally the professor with whom you took the class you are applying to support. This professor also needs to complete our Faculty Reference Form, where they will be asked to tell us a little about your performance in their class and why they think you would be a good SI Leader. Please note that this is NOT a letter of recommendation—it is much shorter. The other two references do NOT need to complete this form.

If you are offered an interview, a SARC staff member will contact you via email.

If you are interested in applying for Fall 2025, but not Summer 2025, please email Erika.Staiger@ucf.edu to be added to our notification list for when the summer application becomes available.  

**Please note that if you are also interested in the Peer Tutoring position, you only need to complete 1 application. 

Peer Academic Consultant Application Deadline: Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Full Job Description: Click Here 

The Student Academic Resource Center (SARC) is currently looking for qualified UCF graduate or undergraduate students to become a Peer Academic Consultant for the Academic Consultation and Engagement (ACE) Program. This program facilitates academic success among UCF students by providing ongoing one-on-one academic coaching.

Peer Academic Consultant Responsibilities:

· Conduct one-on-one academic consultations

· Assist students with building college-level academic strategies

· Complete all administrative duties accurately and on time

· Participate in preliminary and on-going trainings and team meetings

· Assist students in evaluating study habits/knowledge of online courses and identifying obstacles to their learning process

· Serve as a role model for students by maintaining a positive attitude and cultivating relationships

· Document all coaching sessions & maintain accurate student files

· Submit student reports to supervisor(s) regarding progress of students

· Communicate training needs and/or student concerns to supervisor(s)

· Provide timely and open communication with SARC staff regarding students’ progress, issues and concerns in an effort to increase effectiveness of the ACE Program

· Participate in observations and final evaluations

· Other duties as assigned

Peer Academic Consultants will help students develop knowledge of campus resources and enhance their connection to the university by strengthening their support system on campus. You can learn more about ACE here. 

How To Apply: 

Please complete the Online Application for Spring 2025. The application has several sections that you will need to prepare before submitting your application.

· Prepare a resume and cover letter. Save them as one file and attach them to your application when prompted. Applications submitted without cover letters and/or resumes will not be considered.

If you are offered an interview, a SARC staff member will contact you via email.

Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. To be considered for the Peer Academic Consultant Position, please fill out the application here by Sunday, October 20th at 11:59 p.m.

The Student Academic Resource Center (SARC) is looking to hire a Supplemental Instruction Graduate assistant for Fall 2024. The start date for this position would be no later than January 2nd, 2025.

The Supplemental Instruction Graduate Assistant (GA) is a 20-hour per week position reporting to the Supplemental Instruction Coordinator at SARC. The GA will assist the Coordinator in the day-to-day operations of SARC Supplemental Instruction Services at SARC and with tasks related to other SARC programming. This position comes with a full tuition waiver. Please see the position description for more information on duties and responsibilities.

The deadline for the position listed above is Sunday, October 6th, 2024

To apply, please complete the following steps:

1. Complete the application.

2. Include 3 valid references within the Employee Application including their contact information.

3. Attach a professional resume and cover letter as one document.

4. Answer all questions completely and accurately within the employment application and submit by the deadline.

Please see the job description posted at the top right of this page for more details. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Staiger at Erika.Staiger@ucf.edu

The SARC Technology Assistant develops and implements methods to use technology to enhance and facilitate the department goal of delivering quality academic support services online. This includes live-streaming SARC programs and events, providing training and technical assistance to SARC professional and student staff, acting as webmaster, providing technical support for online and hybrid sessions, and providing solutions to improve the delivery of SARC’s online services. To review the details of this position and the minimum criteria to apply, please see the Position Description.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

To apply for this position please complete the Technology Assistant Application and include the following information:

  1. A professional resume and cover letter saved as one file and attached to your application. Applications submitted without cover letters and/or resumes will not be considered. 
  2. Three valid references, preferably from a professor or supervisor, with contact information.