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Academic Exploration Showcase

Visit with representatives from UCF departments, colleges, and academic RSOs to find out how you can add to your academic resume and stand out both at UCF and beyond! Giveaways, food, and music – don’t miss it!

Hosted by Knights Major Exploration & Transition Center and Career Services  

Sponsored by Student Government

Student Union Cape Florida Ballroom


Major in Happiness

With Focus2Career discover your interests that relate to choosing a career you would enjoy.

Please RSVP on Handshake

Hosted by Career Services

CSEL 121 or Zoom


College of Medicine Walk-In Coaching

Have a question about a COM major? Meet with a COM student advisor or ASC!

Hosted by College of Medicine Undergraduate Student Coaching

HSII 335


College of Arts and Humanities Major Exploration Walk-In Hours

Meet with an Academic Success Coach to learn more about Arts and Humanities programs!

Hosted by College of Arts and Humanities Student Advising         

TCH 159


Helping” Majors Information Sessions

Are you exploring major options and know you want to do something that helps people? KMETC will overview UCF majors ideal for students interested in making a difference.

Hosted by Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center

Virtual: Zoom                       


Russian American Student Association Conversation Hours

All students welcome!

Hosted by Modern Languages and Literatures

TCH 211