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Absolutely! The National Center for Education Statistics found that a typical U.S. college student will change their major three times over the course of their college career. Students who complete the Major Exploration Program with the Knights Major Exploration Center will explore their skills and interest before declaring a major. This exploration period at the beginning of their education means a student is less likely to change their major after declaring and be on track to complete their degree on time.  

Encourage your student to take responsibility for exploring majors and participate in the process by utilizing campus resources and keeping an open mind. Support your student by openly sharing your experience in the working world to offer insight. It is important that you avoid selecting a major for your student and focus on their academic interests and strengths to help them make the best major selection for themselves. Continue to share important information regarding the major exploration process and reassure them that they will get out of it what they put in. 

Any current undergraduate student interested in exploring majors at UCF can meet with an Academic Advisor in the Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center (KMETC). All KMETC advisors are trained in the General Education Program and have a working knowledge of the major at UCF. So not only can they assist your student through the major exploration process, they can students in making academic decisions like course selection.  

Once a student declares a major, the academic advisor in the Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center will refer the student to the appropriate college for their academic advising in that college. 

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