Time Management

Timing is everything. Many students’ academics are improved simply by creating and following an effective time-management plan.

Our Effective Time Management video will give you an introduction to several time-management systems. Choose the one right for you, or schedule an ACE coaching session to customize a plan suited to you and your life.

Workshop Handouts


  • Three-List Method – (shown in video) Start with long-term goals and break them down into smaller items.
  • 8-Hour Day – (shown in video) Schedule your days by hour, planning on a 40-hour work week.
  • Student Schedule, Excel – or Student Schedule, pdf – (shown in video) Make a weekly schedule, broken down by the hour.
  • Study Hours per Class – Calculate how many hours per week are typical for your classes.
  • Super Scheduler – Plan your semester with this schedule that starts with a monthly view, then narrows down to weekly and daily tasks.
  • Eisenhower Matrix – What should you do first? An Eisenhower Matrix can help you prioritize what is most urgent.

Project Planning

Semester & Syllabus Planning

Looking to enhance your study skills and create a personalized action plan for academic success? Schedule a one-on-one appointment with an ACE Consultant by clicking here.