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What is the AAP Roadmap?

The AAP Roadmap was created to help students visualize different components into building a competitive professional school application. This graphic utilizes four unique phases: Exploring, Building, Mastering, and Applying. There are many pathways toward an advanced degree, and students can use this as a general guideline of things to consider.

Click here to download a PDF of the AAP Roadmap.

AAP Roadmap

What is the AAP Action Plan?

The AAP Action Plan was created as a working document to help students record their progress toward an advanced degree. The Action Plan is intended to be updated frequently and utilized during meetings with PHPL and Academic Success Coaches. Students are responsible for making sure that they are meeting undergraduate degree requirements during their preparation period.

Roadmap screenshot

Click here to download a copy of the AAP Action Plan. NOTE: It is best viewed in Microsoft Word.