Students can have scrap paper, pencil, and a basic scientific calculator (not a graphing calculator). The calculator used in most of the math courses at UCF is the TI-30XA calculator which retails for under $15.00. The placement test is a closed-note, closed-book test which consists of a section of algebra questions, a section of trigonometry questions, and a section of precalculus questions.
Any attempt to use any unapproved aids on the actual placement test (graphing calculator, math-solving applications) is considered academic misconduct and will be reported. As a student at UCF, you are expected to uphold the UCF Creed and demonstrate the highest standard of academic and personal integrity. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, dishonest conduct, obtaining an unfair advantage and collusion. To avoid being placed in a math course that may not accurately reflect your skills and abilities, you should do your best and take the test seriously as the results will determine your math course sequence.
You can review information about UCF’s Golden Rule, integrity, ethics, and academic honesty on the UCF Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities website