Having a good resume and a well written cover letter is a basic requirement for a successful job search. A resume provides a snapshot of who you are by highlighting your skills, abilities and knowledge. Employers initially scan a resume for 15 to 20 seconds, so yours needs to stand out. The resources below will help guide you through the process

Helpful Tips

It’s important to have a good resume when applying to internships. Below are TOP Resume Writing Tips:

Layout & Format is Key!

  • Resumes should be 1 page (undergraduate students) with most recent experience listed first
  • Select a traditional format that is easy to read
  • Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Minimize lines, graphics or distracting visuals

You Have 15-20 Seconds to Shine

  • Highlight your relevant experiences and skills within the top half of your resume
  • Tailor your resume to the experience you are applying

Show…Don’t Tell

  • All bullet points should begin with a strong action verb to describe what you have done
  • Use  buzz words specific to the industry


  • Adding numbers is a great way to show employers what you have accomplished

Resume Samples

Check out these sample resumes to start crafting your own!

Cover Letters

Cover letters are essential additions to the application process. They provide an opportunity to elaborate on themes from your resume and market yourself as the best candidate. An effective cover letter should enhance your resume and not simply summarize your resume.  Click here for a list of sample cover letters.

Get Help

Schedule an appointment with Experiential Learning to have your resume and cover letter reviewed!