January 5, 2020
The first annual SSA Professional Development Week was held in December 2020. The programming offered to the advising community included four virtual programs and access to a Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE) webinar. The four virtual programs brought in a total attendance of 85, including 54 unique participants. The week culminated with the December Advisor Enhancement Program (AEP) meeting which included the annual advising awards program.
The SSA Professional Development Week is an opportunity for the advising community to participate in programming to enhance knowledge and develop skills that support both students and professional growth. To increase participation, the programming is intentionally held during the fall final exam week, a time of the semester when student demand for advising and support services is typically lower.
Stay tuned for how the Advisor Training and Development team will be celebrating NACADA’s Global Advising Week in May 2021! NACADA Global Advising week celebrates the work of advisors, tutors, counselors, and coaches that advise students around the globe.