I am excited to be a part of the Academic Advocate Team for UCF! My passion of working with students in higher education all began when I was an orientation leader at the University of Florida during my undergraduate years. Throughout my time at the University of Florida I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Family Youth and Community Sciences. My previous experience in higher education was as an Academic Advisor for nursing students at Rasmussen University. Throughout my time in higher education, I love to help students succeed to their highest academic and personal potential.
Within my role of the Academic Advocate position, I strive to answer the questions or concerns that students may have throughout their time here at UCF to make their student experiences as best as possible. My goal is to help assist and remove any barriers that may impact a student’s academic goals. From firsthand experience, I understand that the higher education experience can be overwhelming throughout the journey, and I am here to help.
Go Knights – Charge On!