Experiential Learning can connect you with over 68,000 students from 13 colleges representing over 220 majors. Whether you’d like to post internships or co-ops, participate in a career fair, host students for service-learning opportunities or develop your brand, there are a variety of ways to engage with UCF students. 

Post Your Internships

Handshake is your first step! Post your internships and co-ops in Handshake, UCF’s central internship and job database. Log in or register for Handshake. 

Looking for additional Handshake support? Check out the Handshake Help Center or FAQs.   

Attend Our Internship & Career Expo 

Connect with UCF students seeking internships, PT and FT jobs. This event is held in the fall and spring and attracts over 1,500 students from all majors. 

Build Your Brand

Increase your organization’s visibility and recognition on campus. We have a variety of ways employers can engage with students. Building your presence on campus has a significant impact on your recruitment success. 

Request a Consultation

Maximize your recruitment potential. Learn about the benefits of our employer services, and work with our team to craft a recruiting plan that meets your needs. Whether you have an existing internship program, or are just thinking about getting started, we can help you at every step in the process. Connect with an Experiential Learning liaison to schedule a consultation.