Amy Zeh High-Impact Practice Student Showcase

Celebrating Excellence in High-Impact Practice Designated Courses This showcase is for projects connected with HIP-designated courses only. Held during the fall and spring semesters, the Amy Zeh HIP Student Showcase celebrates students who have completed projects as a part of their HIP-designated courses. Students can participate in person or online. Students’ submissions highlight what they learned and their service, research experience, career readiness, and/or global competencies.
Please contact us with any questions.

Marika Koch

Assistant Director Experiential Learning

Dr. Alison Hudson

Image of Alison Hudson
Assistant Director Undergraduate Research

Dr. Estrella Rodriguez

Estrella Rodriguez
Instructional Specialist Experiential Learning

If you are unsure whom to contact, please reach out to We would love to assist you.
2024 Fall Semester Important Dates
November 18-22 | Hosted Virtually (
Thursday, November 21 | Hosted In-Person 10 AM-12 PM in Student Union Key West
Sign-up Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024
Poster and Video Submission Deadline: Thursday, November 14, 2024
The Fall 2024 showcases exhibits projects from Summer 2024 or Fall 2024 HIP-designated courses only. Please email to request an exception.  Participants may choose how they will participate. Options are listed below.
    • Virtual Showcase: Participants in the virtual showcase will submit a short video and cover image/digital poster about their High-Impact Practice course project to STARS. You will be considered for prizes judged by UCF Faculty and Staff. 
    • In-Person Showcase: Participants in-person showcase will create and print a conference poster (usually 36 inches tall and 48 inches wide) and present it in-person at the Student Union. You will be eligible for the Audience Awards, which will be determined based on in-person presentations This is the option to choose if you do not want to be included in the STARS site or online judging.
    • Both Opportunities! If participants are available, we welcome students to present at both the virtual and the in-person showcase.  Students who present at both are eligible for the Judges Choice and Audience Choice Scholarships. 

Virtual Event Participation

Participants can learn more about virtual submission criteria on the Student Participant Directions Page.  Student submissions will be accepted through STARS.  Administered by the UCF Libraries, UCF’s Showcase of Text, Archives, Research & Scholarship STARS is available to host and promote research, creative activity, and institutional outputs. STARS requires students to create a free account to log onto to make a submission. We use this site so members of the community and others who are not from UCF can view our showcase.  Students will submit recorded presentations and cover images/digital posters highlighting their projects for judging.
Sign-up/Participation Process:
  1. Individuals or groups will fill out and submit the Sign-up Form (due November 1).
  2. Each individual or group will submit a short video and digital poster about their High-Impact Practice course project to STARS (due November 14).
  3. Judges will review all submitted materials.
  4. After the judging has concluded, scholarship winners will be announced on STARS.
STARS Submission example

Virtual and In-Person Event Participation

Participants can learn more about virtual submission criteria on the Student Participant Directions Page. They can learn more about the In-Person Event on this page. The In-Person Showcase will take place on the UCF main campus on Thursday, November 21 from 10 A.M.- 12 P.M. in the Student Union Key West Ballroom on UCF’s Main Campus. Sign-up/Participation Process:
  1.  Individuals or groups will fill out and submit the Sign-up Form (due November 1).
  2.  Each individual or group will submit a short video and cover image/digital poster about their High-Impact Practice course project to STARS (due November 14).
  3.  Judges will review all submitted materials online.
  4. Create and print a conference poster (usually 36 inches tall and 48 inches wide). Be sure to send your poster to print at least three days ahead of the event!
    • If you need help finding printing options, please email
    • Alternatively, If you have requested a digital board, the organizers will contact you with further details. Digital poster submissions will be accepted via email or flash drive.
  5. To present in-person bring the physical poster to the Key West Ballroom on November 21.
  6. Students should stand by their posters to present a quick (5-minute) summary of their work to visitors at the showcase. They will be at their poster to present, but they should also take the time to go around the room and look at others’ projects.
    • People’s choice awards will be decided by the audience at the showcase, including student participants.
  7. After the online judging has concluded, scholarship winners (including the audience award) will be announced on STARS

In-Person Event Participation

Participants can learn more about the In-Person Event on this pageThe In-Person Showcase will take place on the UCF main campus on Thursday, November 21 from 10 A.M.- 12 P.M. in the Student Union Key West Ballroom on UCF’s Main Campus.
Sign-up/Participation Process:
  1. Individuals or groups will fill out and submit the Sign-up Form (due November 1).
    • If students selected the option to participate in-person only.  They will not be considered for the judges’ prizes, which will be judged entirely online, but they will be eligible for the Audience Awards, which will be determined based on in-person presentations This is the correct option to choose if you do not want to be included in the STARS site or online judging.
  2. Create and print a conference poster (usually 36 inches tall and 48 inches wide). Be sure to send your poster to print at least three days ahead of the event!
    • If you need help finding printing options, please email
    • Alternatively, If you have requested a digital board, the organizers will contact you with further details. Digital poster submissions will be accepted via email or flash drive.
  3. To present in-person bring the physical poster to the Key West Ballroom on November 21 at 9:00 A.M.
  4. Students should stand by their posters to present a quick (5-minute) summary of their work to visitors at the showcase. They will be at their poster to present, but they should also take the time to go around the room and look at others’ projects.
    • People’s choice awards will be decided by the audience at the showcase, including student participants.
Note: Students may participate in both the virtual and in-person showcases, they just need to tell us that they are coming to both via the Sign-Up Form.
Student presenting a poster to a colleague Student presenting a poster to a colleague Student presenting a poster to a colleague Student presenting a poster to a colleague

For Instructors:

If you want to add this as an assignment in your course, you can use the links below. They are in the Canvas Commons.

For Judges:

We are seeking campus partners to serve as judges for our Showcase.
All judging will take place via our virtual showcase. The showcase will be hosted online. Judges will be provided with links to review prerecorded presentations and a digital poster. This will be watched on their own time and scored. Judges will be provided with score criteria and judging assignments. All judging material will be due November 23, and awards will be announced on STARS. Judges may attend the In-Person Showcase. It will take place on the UCF main campus on Thursday, November 21 from 10 AM-12 PM in the Student Union on UCF’s Main Campus. 


Students will have the opportunity to submit their projects for awards. All submissions must be from a UCF HIP Designated Course: Service-Learning (SL), Integrative-Learning Experience (IE), Research-Intensive (RI), or Global Learning (GL). In the past, the UCF Student Government has provided scholarship funds to be awarded to student winners.


Please contact Experiential Learning at