SARC is now Offering Prep Services for Admissions Exams
By Katie Adams

Photo by Lauren Schoepfer, UCF Communications and Marketing
The Student Academic Resource Center (SARC) is now offering Admissions Exams Prep services to help students prepare for graduate and professional school admissions exams. These services are focused on helping support students bound for health-related careers prepare for their next step.
SARC has expanded services to offer group and one-on-one tutoring, and workshop sessions to help students prepare and review content covered on select graduate and professional school admissions exams, including content from the GRE, MCAT, DAT, OAT, PCAT, and NCLEX.
Group and one-on-one tutoring sessions look to cover topics in the areas of Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and College Physics.
Workshops will include Subject Review and Practice, Exam Overviews, Planning and Creating a Study Schedule, Test-taking Strategies, Study Skills, and Building Motivation and Endurance.
Whether currently preparing for exams, looking to begin the process, or coming back a second time, we look forward to helping everyone take their next step! For more information on all current services & schedules, check out SARC’s website.