OUR Student Research Grants

The Office of Undergraduate Research provides funding to undergraduate researchers to support their research and creative projects. You can apply via the application on UCF’s InfoReady site.

  • On-Campus or Remote Research Costs: Funding for materials, equipment, etc. Individuals qualify for up to $750, and groups of undergraduate researchers qualify for up to $1,500.
  • Off-Campus Research Costs: Funding to travel to conduct research or gather data (e.g., field work, archive trips, or visiting museums). Individuals qualify for up to $1,250 and groups of undergraduate researchers qualify for up to $2,500.

Note: Students looking for funding to support travel to present at a conference should apply for our Conference Presentation Travel Award. OUR Student Research Grants do NOT cover any part of conference travel.

After submitting your application, your faculty mentor will receive an email to endorse your application. 

Grant Guidelines

Proposal elements:
Each application includes several sections: Title, Proposal, Literature Cited, Assigned Roles (if you are applying as a group), Timeline, and Budget.

Grant proposals are reviewed separately by a faculty panel in either (1) Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) or (2) Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (ASSH) categories. Applicants should ensure that each proposal can easily be understood by an educated non-expert (i.e., faculty from a wide variety of departments). The category within which your application will be reviewed is based on the department of your lead faculty mentor.

Proposal Review Criteria:

All applications are reviewed based on the following criteria

  1. Clear focus of project
  2. Sound methodology (clear to non-experts; don’t get technical)
  3. Contribution of the project to your field
  4. Timeline is appropriate to project
  5. Clear itemized budget with clear explanation of the need for each item
  6. Your mentor’s support of the project

Get support writing your proposal:
OUR Student Research Grants are competitive, but there are several resources that you can take advantage to strengthen your proposal:


  • There is NOT a GPA requirement, however, any students on academic probation will not be considered for this research opportunity.
  • All applicants must have a UCF faculty mentor to receive an OUR Research Grant. Mentors will be required to fill out an endorsement of the work. Students should work closely with their mentors while drafting the submission.
  • Students are eligible to receive a maximum of two Student Research Grants during their undergraduate career, including group grants.
  • Only two grants per faculty mentor will be approved in each semester.

Review Timeline:

Grants are typically offered for the Fall, Spring, and Summer (apply the semester before). Decisions are made by the end of finals week in the semester of application. For deadlines, please see our Workshops and Deadlines.