Investigating social models within RAP systems - Computer Science

The Intelligent Agents Lab is dedicated to investigating social models within RAP systems (Robots, Agents, and People), with a particular emphasis on studying the behavior of people within games and simulation environments where people and agents can interact on an “equal footing”. In these social-computatiol systems where autonomous agents must interact with larger groups of people, it is insufficient to model and infer the activity of one person; we must be able to understand larger social structures such as teams, groups, and crowds. To study these problems, my students and I conduct basic research on agent-based modeling, machine learning, and search; we aim to improve on the state of the art methods used in: 1) agents for games and simulations 2) human motion alysis and path prediction 3) social simulations of groups and teams 4) human-robot interaction.

Project Dates


Students Needed

Type of Project


Student Responsibilities

To be determined, depending on the abilities and interest of the student.

Time Commitment

Student Requirements

Knowledge of any programming language required; Java and/or Matlab preferred

Interested in Working With the Following Programs

Additional Notes

Position Overview

  • Date Posted: 10-11-2017
  • Location:
    • Orlando (Main Campus)
  • Paid: Yes