I am currently accepting students who are interested in contributing to several research studies. This posting is for two specific types of positions: (1) Qualitative interview transcription and (2) Spanish-speaking interviewer.
Position 1:
Selected students would work as part of a team to contribute to evaluations of two interventions. Both interventions involve the implementation of a mobile application for use by individuals on probation. The mobile application is used for clients to meet virtually with their probation officer. We are interviewing clients and probation officers regarding their experiences with the mobile application and probation supervision.
The primary responsibility for these positions are transcriptions of audio recorded interviews. Selected students will also have the opportunity to contribute to analyze interview data and prepare presentations, reports, and papers. Interested students who excel on the project team can also receive training to conduct interviews.
Position 2:
Positions are also available for students who are fluent in Spanish. These students will be trained in conducting qualitative interviews and will conduct interviews with probation clients who speak Spanish.
Hours and length of appointment are flexible.
Project Dates
Start Date: 11/29/2022 - End Date: 1/1/1970
Students Needed
Type of Project
Student Responsibilities
Position #1: 1. Listen to audio recorded interviews and transcribe into word document 2. Review word documents for accuracy, spelling, etc. Position #2: 1. Conduct interviews in Spanish 2. Complete interview notes and translate into English
Time Commitment
Flexible, prefer at least 5 hours per week hour(s)
Student Requirements
Strong typing skills Strong communication skills
Interested in Working With the Following Programs
Independent Research Credit (4912)
McNair Scholars
Research and Mentoring Program
Additional Notes